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URBAN DESIGN: recommendations

  1. Develop neighbourhoods closer to the city centre to encourage lower car use and for stronger public transport link.

  2. Ensure an economically and functionally feasible mixed-use development through relatively high density and low-rise that reflects the population. This creates jobs within the neighbourhood and generates local exchange.

  3. Ground floor retail, cafes, etc. should be able to spill out onto the street with open, permeable fronts that create a strong interface between private and public space.

  4. Vary building heights up to a maximum of 6 storeys and provide private space in the form of terraces and balconies.

  5. Maintain a basic street hierarchy with mixed-use, shared space primary streets and and ensure design has a walking and cycling orientation.

  6. Higher rise buildings should enclose wide, busy streets and lower rise buildings should enclose narrow pedestrian streets to provide as much natural light as possible.

  7. Ensure buildings border the street with private access that has a direct connection with the street.

  8. Design a range of building types and position in such a way that creates a variety of block types and forms of enclosure. This should create the rich 'organic' feel of the favela, which is principled more structured.

  9. Blocks should be small in order to provide a number of alternative routes through the site.

  10. Spaces and movement networks should be designed appropriately for disabled people.

  11. Community action and vibrant cultural production is evident in favelas, therefore civic space should be provided for collective activities.

  12. Public space should not be separated for specialised activities and instead designed to allow for different activities that may take place at different times of the day. Give the community freedom to personalise these spaces.

  13. There should be scope for private space to be defined and adapted by residents.









These are a set of initial recommendations based on the positive aspects of Rocinha favela and an analysis in terms of its urban design.

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